About Us
We, at Real Tech Hosting, are no different than our clients - we too want the service or product that we pay for to work properly, so that we won't need to dedicate extra time so as to make it work right. That is why we arrived at the decision to establish our own hosting company - so that we could supply the service that we ourselves would like to use.
What Renders Us Special?
While most web hosting service providers employ the ready-made cPanel as a basis of their web hosting platforms, we reached the decision to use the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel. The prime advantage of this Control Panel is that it offers billing, web site and domain name administration possibilities. This will save you the effort of signing in to different administration consoles to manage the stuff that belongs to you. With Hepsia, you will exercise total command over all angles of your online presence and will be able to administer all your web sites and domain names from a single place.
Our Hosting Platform
Having an across-the-board web hosting Control Panel is a wonderful thing, but it's not sufficient. We introduced a web hosting platform based on the effective combination of Linux and Apache, which allows us to guarantee you a seamless web hosting experience and to offer a 99.9% server uptime guarantee! We are also working with several data centers located in different continents. These are places with technicians dedicated to keeping the servers up. And we offer a 24/7/365 support service and a one-hour support ticket response time guarantee, even though our client care team representatives normally answer all inquiries in no more than twenty mins!